tl;dr - as of February 2020, I am back at Red Hat, focusing on OpenShift multi-cluster networking.

2020 brings a new beginning for me. Last year I decided to join the Connectivity team at Facebook. Working at Facebook was a great experience for me, but after a few months there I realized that I was not happy and this is not going to be a long-term fit for me. In August, I made the decision to quit and go and spend some well-needed time with my family. I was happily funemployed for around 4 months, and it was just awesome!

Starting with February 2020, I am back at Red Hat, supporting the OpenShift multi-cluster network engineering team. Transitioning from Product Management to engineering (and engineering management in particular) is new to me, but I enjoy every second of it so far.

Like everything else we do in Red Hat, our contribution is fully open sourced and we follow an upstream first development philosophy. The main project I am currently working on is Submariner, and our mission is to allow organizations to seamlessly connect, scale, and migrate their workloads across OpenShift (Kubernetes) clusters deployed on prem or in any cloud.

I am super excited and looking forward to working with brilliant folks at Red Hat and the Kubernetes community. I am also planning to be more active on this blog, where I hope to share more information about our progress.

Stay healthy and safe!